Revolutionising Mental Health Through Somatics: An Interview with Markus Pesonen, Co-Founder of Olo App

By , in Finland HealthTech slush startup journey startups Wellness on .

Co-founder Markus Pesonen shares insights on the app’s mission, impact, and future.

Markus Pesonen Slush
Markus Pesonen Slush

At the bustling Slush Conference in Helsinki, Sasha Komarevych, Editor of, had the privilege of sitting down with Markus Pesonen, the CEO and co-founder of Olo App. Olo offers a fresh, biology-first approach to mental health and wellbeing. By combining immersive 3D nature sounds, somatic education, and neurodiversity awareness, the app empowers users to understand and regulate their nervous systems, promoting better stress management, sleep, and anxiety reduction.

Markus’ extensive background in music, including producing 17 albums and composing for multimedia art exhibitions, theatre, dance, and films, informs Olo’s rich auditory and therapeutic experiences. Markus’s commitment to integrating sound therapy into daily life drives his vision to reshape wellness on a global scale.

Sasha: – Markus, can you introduce Olo App and what sets it apart?
Markus: – Yes, absolutely. Olo addresses stress, anxiety, and insomnia by focusing on nervous system regulation through immersive soundscapes and somatic education. When I say “immersive,” I mean we actually record nature sounds in high-biodiversity locations using 3D audio techniques. I’ve personally been to jungles with a microphone, capturing thousands of hours of sound.

When you listen to these recordings through headphones or our specially designed speakers, you feel truly there. This realism prompts a biological response, as evidenced by our clinical study. We’ve shown a 60% reduction in anxiety and a 30% improvement in heart rate variability. Olo isn’t just an app; we also host live events, which foster a sense of social wellness as people share these experiences together.

Sasha: – How did your background as a composer and musician influence Olo?
Markus: – As a composer, I was always struck by how static and flat most wellness content felt. You’d have a voice actor reading a script, and it just lacked depth. I wondered, why not aim for Pixar-level production quality? Why not make these experiences truly three-dimensional and enjoyable?

My co-founder, Catarina, is a bodily therapist and mental health professional. We’ve worked together for over a decade, including running a retreat centre. Feedback from users has been phenomenal—people say they can connect with Olo almost immediately. Unlike other practices, ours doesn’t require concentration or learning; you can let your mind wander.

Sasha: – You mentioned a somatic perspective. Can you explain what that entails?
Markus: –
Sure. Traditional top-down psychology focuses on thinking through problems, whereas somatics takes a bottom-up approach. The nervous system sends four times more information to the brain than the brain sends to the body. So, focusing on bodily sensations gives us a better chance of influencing how we feel and think.

Somatics teaches you to understand your nervous system’s unique “language.” People are wired differently due to life experiences, so Olo helps users learn what works best for their needs. For instance, it helps users recognise when to zoom out and avoid burnout.

Sasha: – How do people discover and adopt Olo?
Markus: – Many users come from diverse backgrounds. While some are already familiar with meditation or retreats, most are regular people dealing with stress or insomnia. Olo offers a much lower barrier to entry than a retreat—it’s accessible and user-friendly.

Our new AI somatic coach, launching today, takes this further. We’ve tuned it based on Catarina’s one-on-one sessions, enabling it to guide users through reflection. It doesn’t give advice but helps users ask better questions, like “What am I feeling?” or “What does this mean?” Sessions can be short, medium, or long, and the app adapts based on your circadian rhythm.

Markus Pesonen, Co-Founder of Olo App
Markus Pesonen, Co-Founder of Olo App

Sasha: – How has Olo impacted users’ lives?
Markus: –
We’ve heard many transformative stories. For instance, a father shared how Olo helped his 10-year-old son with ADHD fall asleep an hour earlier. Another parent said their 13-year-old daughter could stop a panic attack using the app. It’s often shared among families because it’s so easy to use—just headphones and closed eyes.

Sasha: – What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
Markus: – It’s funny because I didn’t have entrepreneurs in my family. But I’ve been creating and selling things since I was 10. At 16, I started earning money from music, managing bands, booking tours, and paying musicians. It wasn’t until my 30s that I realised this was entrepreneurship.

I’ve always started things from scratch, and this is now my third company. I love building projects and finding ways to make them work. It’s been a natural process for me.

Sasha: – What lessons have you learned as a founder?
Markus: – Spending a year and a half in San Francisco has been eye-opening. The fast-paced environment accelerates learning—you’re constantly iterating ideas and solutions. One key takeaway is the importance of a bias for action: testing ideas quickly rather than waiting for perfect conditions.

Travel has also been invaluable. Being exposed to different cultures and perspectives broadens your thinking. For instance, I see Olo differently depending on whether I’m in New York, LA, or Finland. Each environment sparks unique ideas.

Sasha: – Any final thoughts for our readers?
Markus: –
Yes, there’s a fascinating statistic I recently came across: by 2027, over half of the US workforce will be self-employed. This shift, combined with AI and changing workplace values, transforms health and wellness. More people are taking ownership of their well-being, so we believe in self-directed health. At Olo, we’re here to support that journey.

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