Startup Yebooh for the new generations of farmers
StartupReporter would like to continue a series of articles “Startup Journey: from 0 to 1”. In this series of articles, we would like to show startuppers not only through their innovative projects but also by talking about their personality and the team.
Yebooh is a team of unconventional thinkers who conceive, create and experiment solutions for the agriculture of the future, using the potential of data. They believe that information – its generation, analysis and translation in an improvement of processes, services, and products – represents an added value for companies operating in the primary sector. For this reason, the startup wants to be a point of reference for all companies that see the potential for growth in the use of the most modern technologies.
Oleksandr Komarevych (OK): – Riccardo, please tell me what Yebooh is, where did the idea come from and why in this period?
Riccardo Casano: – Yebooh is an innovative startup that will meet the growing needs of an increasingly global agri-food market. We are creating Y-Farm, a business intelligence tool supporting the decision-making process of the new generations of farmers. Today’s world of agriculture is faced with multiple and complex challenges, from the increase in demand for products to the reduction of available resources, from climate changes and their impact on fundamental resources such as water to the competition of countries with scarcely restrictive regulations.
While, on one side globalization made it possible to expand the boundaries of cultivation from our ground to the rest of the world, allowing us to have a much wider vision of the primary sector, on the other side we risk losing the universally recognized vocation of our country for agriculture.
Nowadays it is no longer possible to return to a past made of only hard work in the fields, but the use of modern technologies will increasingly be an enabling factor for new agriculture.
Yebooh was born to meet these challenges by providing new generations of farmers with tools to help them manage their crops in an optimal way, ensuring an increase in production and saving resources.
OK: – What are the competitive advantages of Yebooh? How does it work?
Riccardo: – Through our precision agriculture system, it will be possible to keep under control the health status of the crops, to monitor the vital parameters of cultivations remotely, to follow in real time the trend of their production and have suggestions on how and when to intervene.
Our solution consists of two integrated, highly scalable products: “Y-Farm” and “Y-Sens”. Y-Farm represents the heart of the technology, a business intelligence platform to support farmers’ decision-making processes, with a cloud-based core. Y-Sens is a multi-sensor unit that allows acquiring agro-environmental parameters directly from the fields.
This solution is based on three consecutive steps:
- Data acquisition
- Memorization and analysis
- Monitoring
We want to combine direct experience, the result of methodologies and techniques handed down from generation to generation with the power of Big Data and their analysis.
OK: – The team is very important for a startup at any stage. Who is in your team? Could you tell our readers about the uniqueness of each team member?
Riccardo: – I agree, my dream mates are the soul of Yebooh. At the moment we are a small team group, but with key expertise and experience for our core business. We come from different professional contexts: IT, marketing, engineering and digital. Our skills helped us to move our first steps as a startup. Now, we hope to recruit new resources in order to focus on specialized competencies.
OK: – How would you describe your team in one word?
Riccardo: – Dream-weaver 😉
OK: – What is the most important lesson you received in your startup journey so far?
Riccardo: – We must enjoy what we have reached so far, but we have to be ready to face the bigger and bigger challenges that will come.
OK: – What is your plan with Yebooh for the next 3-6 months? What is your vision?
Riccardo: – We are looking for people who, like us, are ready to face the new challenges of agriculture and for this reason are willing to invest in our project. We want to create a final version of our prototype and dedicate ourselves to the continuous and constant updating of the algorithms of Yebooh, our core business.
OK: – What is your vision for the next 5 years in your field?
Riccardo: – More and more young people are returning to dealing with agriculture. They do it differently than the former generations. These new levers of farmers today can rely on the power of data and technology, increasingly accessible and scalable. In the immediate future, the agricultural world will be able to count on increasingly performing instruments and increasingly detailed information. The use of drones, intelligent guided tractors, innovative greenhouses, etc. opens up a series of endless opportunities for Yebooh to become an important player in the next agricultural revolution.