StartUp and Innovations Digest #08July2016

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Hey, everyone. If you are interested in #startup, #innovations, and #entrepreneurship, it is for you.
We live in a period where every day there is a lot of articles, information from anywhere and you need to choose what to read and what not.
Thanks to my passion&work I analyze tons of information about startups and innovations, so I propose a small list of chosen today’s news in order to stay tuned.

#Motivation This Quick Mental Exercise Will Bring You Immediate Clarity & Motivation

“A common way to clarify what you want in life is by imagining yourself on your death bed. Similarly, Dr. Stephen Covey invites readers of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to imagine their own 80th birthday party.

What kind of legacy would you like to leave behind is the idea.

Although imagining your life with the end in mind is helpful, and indeed motivating, I’ve recently found a better mental exercise.

However, before I go any further, I challenge you to stop for a minute. Don’t just quickly consume this article.”

#FinTech Asia Pacific cross-border payment startup Airwallex lands $3M

“The startup aims to ease a headache and cost of cross-border purchases by enabling consumers to buy items from outside of their country using their local currency. In essence, it uses the same principles as London-based Transferwise in that it reduces the costs that both merchants and consumers eat up when is the two parties are using different currencies.

Airwallex itself will make money via a transaction fee based on the volume of payments it handles.”

#Startup Brooklyn-based startup wants to grow your next leather jacket in a lab

Startup has raised $53.5 million to fill your closet with lab-grown leather. To create its leather, Modern Meadow first isolates base pairs of DNA, then creates unique DNA strands by cutting and replacing those original pairs with new pairs.

Not only are no animals harmed in the process, but Modern Meadow insists its method requires less tanning, water, energy, and chemicals while reducing waste by up to 80 percent compared to traditional leather manufacturing processes.”

#Investment Making Sense of Why Series A Investment Is Slowing

“Series A investment trends can provide a good approximation of the health and sentiment of the startup venture capital market. It’s common sense: When times are good, early-stage equity is enticing. When the future is uncertain, more conservative assets are prized.”

An Israeli startup is using the ancient art of military deception to trap hackers everywhere

“Israeli cybersecurity firm #Cymmetria specializes in what it calls “cyber deception,” and it should scare hackers everywhere.”

#Bonus 8 Entrepreneurship Lessons That Counter What You’ve Learned

“John Lemp started his own lawn-mowing business at the age of 14 before building websites and a search engine called Gatewaytothenet — and he hasn’t slowed down since.
Lemp’s unique experiences throw some of the most common entrepreneurship tips right out the window.” In the article, there are 8 lessons that Lemp has learned over the years.