Estonian Startup Launches Digital Art Collection To Support Ukraine

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Single.Earth is launching a unique #StandWithUkraine NFT collection, with all proceeds used to support the country under attack.

We are working on saving the natural world, but in the current situation, it seemed only right to focus on supporting Ukraine. Fighting for freedom is close to our heart as the last Russian soldiers left Estonia only in 1994.

While all of us take individual action, we can use our company platform to amplify the message – in ways we know and with the tools we have. So we’ve turned around our planned NFT campaign into this special edition.

said Merit Valdsalu, co-founder and CEO of Single.Earth.

The 2,031 unique pieces of artwork – created by a US-born artist Duncan Halleck – represent the brave Ukrainian people, holding on tight for the country’s freedom. Single.Earth’s graphical designer Halleck raised the highest sum at the “Art Against War” auction earlier in March.

All the proceeds will go to the International Committee of the Red Cross for their humanitarian work in Ukraine.

The NFT collection, named #StandWithUkraine, will be on sale on the Magic Eden marketplace

Single.Earth uses Solana blockchain, because it needs only a fraction of power compared to alternatives, to tokenize the world’s nature in terms of carbon and biodiversity. The startup emits tokens to landowners for carbon dioxide captured in biodiverse nature.